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Stories give meaning to individual and collective experiences


SandStory Skills® Training


  • Do you have a role or remit to support children's emotional well- being?

  • Do the children in your care have additional social and emotional needs?

  • Do you want to learn a clear and safe structure to offer one to one sessions to explore children’s thoughts and feelings and support children’s emotional well-being?

What is it?

  •  "SandStory Skills® equips professionals who are not therapeutically qualified with essential, safe, 'soft skills' to support the emotional wellbeing and personal development of children and young people in their care. " (Lara Kasza- creator of SandStory Skills®)

  •  A 2 day accredited programme that equips you to provide structured 1 to 1 sessions to support the children you work with.

  •  Designed for practioners supporting children and young people such as those working in school (Tas, ELSAs, Learning support mentors) or in social care (social workers, family support workers).

  •  Provides you with a simple tool kit of resources and techniques to enable a child or young person to creatively tell their story in the sand or using other creative media and for you to guide them through this process using a clear safe structure. It combines creative play and storytelling in a clear to follow structure.

How does SandStory Skills support children?

  • The process of telling their story through small world play in a safe and contained way and having this witnessed and accepted by a supportive adult helps children feel heard and understood.

  • It helps you to connect with them and build a relationship This is particularly helpful for children who find it hard to express their feelings or difficulties directly.  

  •  This in turn helps them feel better within themselves and more equipped to find solutions.

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